Raising a Healthy Gamer

Our Six Tips for Parents

Nobody Said Parenting Would Be Easy

Managing videogames and screen-time is just like everything else that you've already done (like cookies and ice cream).
We're just here to give you a hand.

Make Wise Choices: Choosing Games.

Try and choose games for your family that encourage the kinds of values you want your child to grow up with in the digital age. Look for games that have strong female characters, or people of color as heroes," she says. "Find games that allow kids to play cooperatively. And look for non-violent titles that have an educational component, or complement your kids’ interests, such as sports or fantasy games."

If there's older gamers (siblings or parents) in the house, make sure that their games aren't falling into the hands of the younger children. Make sure their older brother or sister understand your rules about playing these games.

Animated Sports

Sports games range from fun and animated characters to the incredibly realistic and complex Madden NFL. Choose according to what's appropriate for your child's age level.

Lego Adventures

Looking for a non-sports title that appeals to children. Lego has a brilliant series of games that still appeal to the older crowd. They also typically follow books like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings - so it might even encourage some reading.

Multiplayer Fun

Pull the whole family in for some head to head competition.

Be Involved & Be Consistant.

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How do you do that? Simple: just pay attention. "This means taking an active role in their children's gaming by learning about and setting the parental controls on their child's video game console or PC, and maintaining an open dialogue."

Setting time limits and enforcing them. If there's no video games until chores get done - stick to that plan. Your children should also get the same answer regardless if it's mom or dad.

Remind them: It's a priveldge and not a right.

Be Involved 
The easiest way to be a good parent to a gamer is to game with your children.

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It really can be that easy. Play with them. Learn how to use a controller. Not only will you have another activity you can share together, but you'll be able to better understand what games your child likes, and why. Talk about what game you're playing, and the themes and characters contained in it.

Provide Alternative Activities

Be a part of your children's lives. Although you can't be available to play 24 / 7, make sure you schedule some time to pull the family in for some special time.
Here's a few ideas:

Visit a Climbing Gym

Feeling adventurous? This is a sure-fire way to grab the older kids attention - and teach them to rely on each other. Sense of achievement included.

Homemade Pizza Night

Ever try to twirl dough in the air. It's not easy, but its fun! Want something a bit easier, get pre-made crusts and let the family load it up with their favorite toppings.

Go To A Live Game

This doesn't have to be a major league event. Go out and support the local high school or AAA baseball team.


Tired of Being the Bad Guy

Found Out how our series of game timers enforces the rules you set – even when you’re not around.


Learn More About Games

Modern Video Games are Amazing. See what's going on.


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